iConnect logo  Group/ Reflection Notes

Follow Sunday teaching with these small group/ reflection notes:

2025-03-09 - Backward steps for forward living

February 2025 (1200 x 628) (FaTrinity
2025-03-02 - Three in One?

Joseph - Coat of many colours Joseph: coat of many colours
2025-02-23 - Joseph and THOSE highs and lows
2025-02-16 - Joseph and THOSE dreams
2025-02-09 - Joseph and THAT coat

The Return of the Prodigal (1)The Return of the Prodigal Son
2025-01-19 - The Older Son
2025-01-12 - The Younger Son
2025-01-05 - The Return

10 - wosdom for life - landsca10: wisdom for life
2024-11-24 - The most important commandment?
2024-11-17 - The one about coveting
2024-11-10 - The one about false testimony
2024-11-03 - The one about stealing
2024-10-27 - The one about adultery
2024-10-20 - You shall not murder
2024-10-13 - Honour your father and mother
2024-10-06 - TGI Sabbath
2024-09-22: In God's Name
2024-09-15: Accept no substitutes
2024-09-08 - 10: No other gods
2024-09-01 - Introducing 10: wisdom for life

iBelong - widescreeniBelong
2024-07-21 - iBelong through baptism

2024-07-14 - iBelong to an imperfect church
2024-07-07 - iBelong to a diverse church 
2024-07-28 - 

faith stories (1600 x 643 px)Faith Stories
2024-06-30 - Sharing Faith Stories

iGive seriesiGive
2024-06-23 - iGive proportionately
2024-06-16 - iGive cheerfully
2024-06-09 -iGive gracefully
2024-06-02 - IGive freely

iTell - series imageiTell
2024-05-26 - iTell Good News
2024-05-19 - iTell in the power of the Holy Spirit
2024-05-12 - iTell I shine
2024-05-05 - iTell like Jesus

2024-04-28 - iServe with my SHAPE
2024-04-21 - iServe in mission and ministry
2024-04-14 - iServe like Jesus
07-04-2024 - iServe
2024-04-31 - Easter Resurrection

2024-03-24 - Pray for unity
iPray - March 2024
2024-03-17 - iPray for those nearest and dearest
2024-03-10 - iPray Suffering AND Glory
2024-03-03 - iPray because Jesus prayed

iConnect - circles not rowsiPray
2024-02-25 - iConnect eat, pray, LOVE
2024-02-18 - iConnect eat PRAY
2024-02-11 - iConnect EAT
2024-02-04 - iConnect in small groups

Untitled design (2)iGather
2024-01-28 - iGather to spur others on
2024-01-21 - iGather to give & receive truth & love
2024-01-14 - iGather to experience God's Glory
2024-01-07 - iGather because Jesus did

2023-12-17 - No outsiders
2023-12-13 - Waiting

Act Justly. LAdd a subheadingove Mercy. Walk Humbly
2023-11-26 - Walk humbly with your God
2023-11-19 - Love Mercy
2023-11-12 - Act Justly
2023-11-05 - What does the Lord require?

Catch it Kill it Eat it - FB ACatch it. Kill it. Eat it.
2023-10-22 - Controversy at Council
Acts 15:1-21
15-10-2023 - Now I KNOW! Acts 10:24-48
08-10-2023 - Catch It! Kill it! Eat it! Acts 10:1-16

01-10-2023 - Gratitude - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
17-09-2023 - Alpha & Omega Revelation 1:7-8
03-09-2023 Joseph & his Amazing Technical Famine Relief Programme Genesis 47

YOLO - Facebook PostYOLO: Ecclesiastes
2023-07-02 YOLO! The 3-cords everyone needs Ecclesiastes 4
2023-06-25 YOLO! Live i the dash Ecclesiastes 3
2023-06-18 YOLO! The Pursuit of Happiness Ecclesiastes 2
2023-06-11 YOLO! Living in the mist Ecclesiastes 1

2023 May - The Day of the LordJoel: the Day of the Lord
2023-05-21 Joel I will repay the years the locusts have eaten
2023-05-14 Joel lost & found
2023-05-07 Joel: Wise up!

April 2023 servicesMaking sense of Easter
2023-04-23 The cosmic story we find ourselves in

2023-04-16 Jesus saves Barabbas

Go, Fish!Go, fish!
2023-02-19 The Curious Incident of the Silver Fish
2023-02-12 - Miraculous catch
2023-02-05  Come, follow me, let's go, fish!

Treasure January 2023Treasure
2023-01-29 Treasure for living
2023-01-22 We are God's treasure
2023-01-15 Discovering treasure in jars of clay
2023-01-08 Discovering Wisdom

December 2022Christmas
2022-12-04 Unwrapping Christmas

Living WellLiving Well Nov 2022 - Faceboo
2022-11-27 Living well: generously
2022-11-20 Living well - faithfully
2022-11-13 Living well: sacrificially

2022-10-30 Faith Stories

o Inclusion And Beyond FacebooTo Inclusion And Beyond
2022-10-23 Rubber bands and Unity
2022-10-16 Navigating traffic lights & disputable issues
2022-10-02 Young and Old

and beyond - Facebook post..And Beyond
2022-09-25 The Good Samaritan - Director's Cut
2022-09-19 And Beyond mission
2022-09-04 - God said GO!

Queen Elizabeth2022-09-11 - Reflecting on Queen Elizabeth II 

Lets talk about itLet's talk about [it]
2022-02-27 - Let's talk about [it] - shame
2022-02-20 - Let's talk about [it] - good sex!
2022-02-13 - Let's talk about [it] - sex!

New Year, New You!
2022-01-30 - Work
2022-01-23 - Money
2022-01-16- Relationships

2022-01-09 - Time
2022-01-02: Health

2021-12-12: Radical Mary
2021-12-5: Mary Listens

Overcoming: Gideon
2021-11-28: Gideon: Mighty Warrior
2021-11-21: Gideon Warrior not Worrier
2021-11-14: And Beyond

2021-10-31-Climate Justice
2021-10-24-Gender Justice
2021-10-17-Racial Justice
2021-10-10- Economic Justice

2021-10-03-Justice, Not Just Us

2021-09-26 - Love trumps!
2021-09-19 Love
2021-09-12 Hope

Rebuild - Facebook post
Rebuild - with Nehemiah
2021-07-25 - Our Home Coming!
2021-07-18 - WE're coming home!
2021-07-11 - Live it!
2021-07-04 - A game of two halves
2021-06-27 - Movement, not monuments
2021-06-20 - People, not bricks
2021-06-13 - The race isn't over till it's over!
2021-06-06 - Growing Community!
2021-05-23 - Everyone, make a difference
2021-05-02 - When the news gets personal

Living the resurrected lifeThe Resurrected life
2021-04-25 - Microwaves, calculators and God's grace!
2021-04-18 - If you want to live the resurrected life, first you've got to die (to self)
2021-04-11 - When Paul got 'bleeped'!
2021-04-02 - Easter, when God bossed it!

EzekielEzekiel - the start of the beginning of the way home
2021-03-21 - Ezekiel's prophetic bones

2021-03-14 - Ezekiel's prophetic heart
2021-03-07 - Ezekiel's prophetic mission

2021-02-28 - Ezekiel's prophetic hope
2021-02-21 - Ezekiel's prophetic acts
2021-02-14 - Ezekiel's prophetic call
2021-02-07 - Ezekiel's prophetic vision

ZoeZoe - the life God always intended for you!
2021-01-31 - Zoe makes Zeo
2021-01-24 - Zoe - the aroma of Christ
2021-01-17 - Zoe life NOW!

2021-01-10 - Zoe forever!
2021-01-03 - It's all about Zoe!

Christmas All Wrapped Up 3Christmas All unwrapped - Christmas 2020
2020-12-13 - Joseph
2020-12-06 - Mary

for an audience of one - FacebFor an audience of One - Sermon on the Mount
2020-11-29 - Narrow Gate
2020-11-22 - Fasting
2020-11-15 - Praying
2020-11-08 - Judging
2020-11-01 - Giving

Kingdon not Empire PostKingdom not Empire - Sermon on the Mount
2020-10-25 - Reparations
2020-10-18 - Repentance
2020-10-11 - Reconciliation
2020-10-04 - Resistance

How should we live?
- Sermon on the Mount
2020-09-27 - Separation and Divorce
2020-09-20 - Look Away!
2020-09-06 - Salt and Light
2020-09-06 - Jesus, sideburns and the Law

- Sermon on the Mount
2020-08-30 - Blessed are those who are persecuted for right reasons
2020-08-23 - Blessed are the peacemakers

2020-08-16 - Blessed are the pure in heart
2020-08-09 - Blessed are the merciful
2020-08-02 - Blessed are the hungry and thirsty for righteousness
2020-07-26 - Blessed are the meek
2020-07-19 - Blessed are those who mourn
2020-07-12 - Blessed are the poor in spirit
2020-07-05 - The best sermon EVER

LIVE the Way - exploring Philippians chapter 1
2020-06-21 - How can we live courageously for Christ?
2020-06-14 - What has the lock-down ever done for us?
2020-06-07: 1-11 - She sold purple cloth

The WayThe Way - exploring John chapter 14
2020-05-31: 14:28-31 - Come Holy Spirit
2020-05-17: 14:15-21 - Another Comforter
2020-05-10: 14:5-14 - The Way to the New Norm
2020-05-03: 14:1-4 - Do not let your hearts be troubled

Hope for a rainbow 2020-04-19

Peace be with YOUPeace to YOU
2020-03-29 - Shalom
2020-04-05 - Social dis-Dancing

#LiveLent - based on Ruth Valerio's book, Saying Yes to Life LiveLent
Session 1: Day 1 - Let there be light
Session 2: Day 2 - Let the waters be separated
Session 3: Day 3 - Let the land produce vegetation
Session 4: Day 4: Let there be lights in the sky
Session 5: Day 5: Let fish swim and birds fly
Session 6: Day 6: Let us make living creatures, and humanity in our image

One AnotherOne Another - Facebook

2020-02-16 AM: Serve One Another
2020-02-09 AM: Honour One Another

2020-02-02 AM: Greet One Another (with a holy fist-bump)


Mirror - January 2020 FacebookMirror, Mirror
2020-01-26 AM: Don't forget. Just do it!
2020-01-19 AM: Transformed image
2020-01-12 AM: Blurred reflection
2020-01-05 AM: What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Teach us to Pray - FacebookTeach us to pray:
2019-10-13 AM: Your Kingdom come
2019-10-06 AM: Our Father in heaven

2019-10-13 PM: James 5:7-12 - Patience in suffering
2019-10-06 PM: James 5:1-8 - Fat Cats
2019-09-29 PM: James 4:13-17 - Life is mist
2019-09-22 PM: James 4:7-12 - Draw near to God

2019-09-01 PM: James 3:1-12 - Taming the tongue
2019-08-11 PM: James 1:19-27 - Listening & Doing
2019-08-04 PM: James 1:1-18 - Joy in Trials

HarvestHarvest 2019:
2019-09-15 AM: Matthew 6:19-34 - Investing in the harvest
2019-09-08 AM: Matthew 13:24-30 & 38-43 - Accepting the harvest
2019-09-01 AM: Matthew 9:35-38 - Harvest Time. People. Workers.

Jonah - FacebookJonah:
2019-08-25 AM: Jonah 4:1-11 - Gracious God and the Grumpy Evangelist
2019-08-18 AM: Jonah 3:1-10 - Compassion for the city in crisis
2019-08-11 AM: Jonah 1:17 - 2:10 - FishGate
2019-08-04 AM: Jonah 1:1-16 - God said GO! Jonah said NO!