Our Vision
[This is what we are working to achieve. It’s what, by faith and endeavour, we hope for.]
To see God’s Kingdom come and His will done in Sutton Coldfield, north Birmingham, and beyond, as it is in Heaven.
We long to see heaven on earth.
That's why we pray the Lord's prayer: Your Kingdom come, Your will be done,
here on earth as it is in heaven.

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth.
I heard a loud voice from the throne say,
“Look! Look! God has moved into the neighbourhood, making his home with men and women!
They’re his people, he’s their God.
He’ll wipe every tear from their eyes.
Death is gone for good — tears gone, crying gone, pain gone
— all the first order things, gone.
“Look! I’m making everything new.
Revelation chapter 21 verses 1-5
This is our vision - a taste of heaven on earth, for all.