iBelong - become a church member
When you feel at home with Chester Road Baptist Church, we’d love you to consider becoming a Church Member. Here’s why!
Why does CHURCH matter?
When you become a Christian, you become part of something bigger – MUCH BIGGER!
You become part of the Body of Christ [Romans 12] – the spiritual community of believers – the Church.
You can’t follow Christ (Head of the Church) but ignore His body (the Church) and expect a full Christian experience. That's why gathering with others is so important.
Of course, you are welcome simply to attend our services. We just think it’s better still to belong to the church community – to commit to journeying with others.
Why become a CHURCH MEMBER?
If you’ve been attending services at Chester Road Baptist, we hope you’ve felt welcomed and valued. For many people, becoming a Church Member is the next step.
Membership is a two-way commitment. You’ll be committing yourself to support Chester Road Baptist Church, and Chester Road Baptist Church will be committing to support you.
This is an exciting time for us as church. Together, we are embarking on a journey, discovering a new sense of mission and ministry. Becoming a Church Member will enable you to share with others in discerning our future together – and helping to make it happen.
Being a Church Member means being committed to Christ, to our church community, and to the wider community we live in. It doesn’t mean you have to be super-spiritual or an experienced Christian - simply that you have chosen Chester Road Baptist Church to be your’ spiritual home’.
Who are Baptists?
40 million people around the world belong to Baptist churches. There are 2,000+ Baptist churches in England and Wales. Here are some of the main distinctives about Baptist identity:
Believers baptism by full immersion. The Bible says, “Change your thinking (repent) and be baptised’ [Acts 2:38]. We only baptise those who have made a personal choice to follow Christ, whatever the age.
Church Members are those who have committed together to live as devoted followers of Christ, and to play their part in the church’s mission and ministry.
The Church Meeting is the spiritual heart of the church. It's where Church Members come together to discern the mind of Christ – God’s will, not or own. It involves prayer, prophecy, listening, and discernment. It’s not primarily a business meeting; rather hearing God for our direction of travel, ethos, and governance.
Authority ultimately rests with the Church Meeting, not with the Leadership Team (Deacons), Minister or a ‘bishop’. We are ‘congregational’ and champion the ‘priesthood of all believers’ [1 Peter 2:5]. Practically, the Church Meeting delegates to the Leadership Team (Deacons) and Minister.
Deacons (leadership team) are Church Members elected by the Church Meeting to serve and enable the church‘s mission and ministry. They are also our Charity Trustees.
Prophetic voice through the separation of Church and State. The Church should both support and challenge the State, speaking’ truth to power’. The Gospel is not aligned to ’Party Politics’, but it is political.
How can I get the most out of church?
Church Membership is both a privilege and a responsibility. Devoted followers of Christ aim to:
iGather – participate in worship at one of our services as regularly as practical (life allowing!)
iConnect – join a small group or community group.
iPray – join in as we establish a rhythm of prayer.
iTell – invite others and tell your story.
iServe – use your time and skills to serve others. Most of what we do is run by volunteers.
iGive – live generously. Giving is about discipleship, not fundraising or income generation.
iBelong – become a Church Member.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a Church Member to attend services or volunteer?
No! Our services are open to all. We just think you’ll get even more out of joining.
Do I have to be baptised to be a Church Member?
No! Our membership is
open to all who seek to be disciples of Christ.
The Bible says, ’change your thinking (repent)
and be baptised’ [Acts 2:38]. Baptism is about ‘going public’ with your faith. It’s the next step in becoming a devoted follower of Christ. However, we recognise some from other churches may have ‘gone public’ through their Confirmation. That said, if you haven’t been baptised as a believer and think God may be nudging you, talk to us. See
What does Chester Road Baptist Church believe about gender equality?
Chester Road Baptist Church settled the question of women’s ministry way back in February 1929.
All ministry and leadership positions are open to
all, men and women. No small print. See our
What next?
Let us know you are interested. Don’t wait to be asked (we’re not a ‘secret society’!) Contact the Church Office t: 0121 350 2779 e: office@ChesterRoadBaptist.org.uk
Two Church Members will meet with you for a natter. They’ll ask you about your Christian journey and why you want to become a Church Member. Be sure to ask them questions too!
They will bring a recommendation to the Church Meeting.
Once approved, you will be welcomed into Membership at a service (usually communion).