10 - wosdom for life - landsca
10: wisdom for life

Of the 613 Old Testament laws, 10 are by far the best known (if sometimes misunderstood.) They are often referred to as the 10 Commandments, with “Thou shalt not…” sounding stern. And yet, no where does the original Hebrew Bible refer to them as commandments. In Hebrew, they are 10 words. Under grace, these become 10 words of promise. “Thou shalt not..” becomes “You will not..” [because I, the Lord, will…] In this epic series we explore afresh the 10: wisdom for life.

2024-09-25: Accept no substitutes (Exodus 20:4-6)

Bonus feature:
Small Group/ Reflection notes


2024-09-08: No other gods (Exodus 20:3)

Bonus features:
Small Group/ Reflection Notes

2024-09-02: Introducing the 10: wisdom for life (Exodus 19-20-20:2]

Listen to the audio (no video available)

Bonus features:
Small Group/ Reflection Notes