And Beyond - Facebook AdAnd Beyond 

Our mission as a church is:

#GrowingCommunity #MakingDisciples
Working with others to enable all people within 5 miles and beyond of Chester Road Baptist Church to become disciples of Christ.

We must not forget the “..and beyond.” It’s what we do and give beyond ourselves that enables others in their mission. Their mission then becomes our mission too. In this mini-series we are reminded of our ..and beyond mission.

2022-09-25 The Good Samaritan - Director's Cut (Luke 10:25-37)

Bonus features:
Small Group/ Reflection notes
Talk transcript
(What I intended to say!)

2022-09-04 God said GO! Genesis 12:1-9

Please note, Godly Play ask us to display this copyright notice.: The Great Family: the story of Abraham and Sarah. from The Complete Guide to Godly Play by the Rev Dr Jerome Berryman. told by Richard Knott, Godly Play UK Trainer

Bonus features:
Small Group/ Reflection notes
Talk transcript
(What I intended to say) - from the evening service