Giving - Regular Gift + Gift AMake a regular gift by Standing Order

Giving by monthly Standing Order is secure, easy to organise, and helps both you and Chester Road Baptist Church to budget.

Simply complete and send the Standing Order form to your bank.

For a Standing Order and Gift Aid form click here.

For Internet or telephone banking, quote:

Bank:                    Unity Trust Bank
Account name:    Chester Road Baptist Church
Account number: 20480053
Sort code:             60-83-01
Amount of gift:    £__ __ __ per month.

Gift Aid logoMake your gift go further
If you pay income tax or capital gains tax, please complete a Gift Aid declaration so the church can reclaim the tax. You only need do this once to cover all present and future gifts (as well as those in the past four years).

For example, if you pay UK tax at 20% and ‘Gift Aid’ £100 to Chester Road, we will receive £125 in total. What’s more, if you pay higher rate tax you can claim extra relief on your giving through Self Assessment – legitimately reducing your own personal tax liability.

Complete and return the Gift Aid declaration to Chester Road Baptist Church, Chester Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B73 5HU.