Baby dedicationCelebrate the birth of your child

The gift of a child is a major event and always something to celebrate. We instinctively want to say thank you. Choose between a Baby Dedication Service or a Baby Naming Ceremony.


Baby Dedication Service

An infant dedication is the Baptist-equivalent of a Christening/ infant baptism. It’s when parent(s)/carer(s) give thanks to God for the gift of their child, seek God's blessing on their chid as they grow up, and ask for God's guidance and grace in being even better parents/carers.

Baptists only baptise those who have made a personal and informed decision to be baptised as followers of Christ. Babies/ toddlers are not able to make that choice for themselves - so we wait. Of course, we hope and pray, when they are older, they will want to be baptised. But, in the meantime, we respect that it must be their decision, no-one else's. Not even the parent(s)/ carer(s).

So the focus on infant dedication is on the parent(s)/ carer(s) as they dedicate themselves and their child/ children to God.

Infant dedications are included as part of our 10.30 am community services. Therefore, there is no cost for having your baby/ infant dedicated.

Infant dedications are are always full of joy. It’s a great excuse for a celebration meal/ party afterwards with family and friends!

Baby Naming Ceremony

A Baby Naming Ceremony is for those who don't want a dedication in a church service and yet still want to celebrate with family and friends the gift of their little one. It'll be led either by a Minister or appropriate member of the church staff, and give you as parent(s)/ carer(s) the opportunity to express your gratitude for the safe arrival of your child, receive the support of family and friends, and be blessed.

Whilst there's no set fee for a Baby Naming Ceremony, we do ask for a donation to cover the cost to us of providing your Ceremony.  Your gift will help fund all that we do in the community with children, young people, Seniors, the unemployed..., as well as contribute towards the staff time and use of the building required for your Baby Naming Ceremony.


  1. When do Baby Dedications take place? On Sundays as part of a regular 10:30am community service.
  2. When do Baby Naming Ceremonies take place? By negotiation/ availability, usually on Sunday afternoons.
  3. Is there a charge for a Baby Dedication? No! It's free. All that we ask is that you invite lots of family and friends to join you.
  4. Is there a charge for a Baby Naming Ceremony? Whilst there's no set fee, we ask for a donation to cover the cost to us of providing the service.  Your gift will help fund all that we do in the community with children, young people, Seniors, the unemployed... 
  5. Do I have to be a member/ regular church attender to have my child(ren) dedicated? No! That said, your special day will go even better if you have been to a few of our regular Sunday services. Come and see for yourself!
  6. Can we have Godparents? Yes! You'll probably want to ask 1-3 people to act as sponsors/ 'God Parents' (bit there's no limit!) Their role is to encourage and support you and your child, helping them to grow in maturity and faith in Christ.
  7. Can we have a celebration/ reception afterwards? Ask! We have a range of rooms/ halls that can also be hired for your reception. Come and see for yourself (NB in solidarity with those who struggle with alcohol addiction, we are an alcohol-free building.)
  8. What else do you do for Under 5s and their families? Click HERE.

To discuss or book a Baby Dedication Service or a Baby Naming Ceremony

Contact the Church Office:

t: 0121 350 2779