Vision refresh
We're on a journey as a church. (Maybe we always will be.)
We’re pressing refresh on our vision, mission, values and goals, discerning the mission and ministry God has for us.
We've been asking, how do we enable Chester Road Baptist Church to journey from here to there.
We had to define here - our current reality, how things are/ have been.
We had to discern there - our God-inspired future, how things could/ should be.
This has been a collaborative process:
March - May 2018: we reflected on our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT).
June 2018: we ran a vision drop-in session, repeated on four separate days/times for maximum engagement (58 people participated), to enable people to contribute.
July 2018: we fed back observations and looked for themes/ common threads.
September 2018: we reviewed a draft and then entered into a discernment phase, testing/ living with it.
November 2018: we said "it seems good to us and the Holy Spirit", so we adopted our vision, mission, values, and beliefs.
January 2019: we committed to pursuing six strategic priorities.
March 2019: we agreed a Reserves Policy, clarifying what we can invest in mission and ministry.
May 2019: we reflected on potential new staff positions.
July 2019: we committed to resourcing our vision with 2.5 FTE new staff positions.