We are ONE churchOne Church, Multiple Services 

We are ONE church gathering for worship through multiple services - each different in day, time, character, or focus. Choose what works best for you.

Community informal service  Community - informal service
A more informal style of worship and talk, with children's and youth programmes. Sunday at 10:30 am More information here

Rejoice - FB adClassic - traditional service
A more traditional style of worship, with a mix of classic hymns accompanied by the pipe-organ, Bible readings, intercessions and a sermon. Sundays at 6.00 pm.   

 Breathe - iGatherContemplative - Breathe
A liturgical style of short Contemplative Celtic Communion service. Wednesdays 11.30 am. More information here.

Click - Online serviceClick - online
Not able to gather with us on-site? Join us instead online. Sundays 10.30 am live or catch-up anytime. Click here.