When: Celebrate! on Sundays, 10:30 am Typically 60 minutes.
Where: Chester Road Baptist Church, Chester Road, Sutton Coldfield B73 5HU
What: A more informal style of service, with a mix of more modern worship songs, the occasional classic hymn, Bible reading, prayers, and a talk. Communion is generally on the third Sunday. Stay on afterwards for coffee and tea.
Children & young people start in their age programmes (with rooms/ activities open from 10:15am) and then join the service at 11:15am. On arrival, parents/ carers, please accompany your child to their age group room and register them. For each child registered, you will be given a unique wristband to wear. At 11:15am, when the children return for the final section of the service, parents/carers will need to exchange their unique wristband for your child. This is for your child's safety and security. For those with babies/ toddlers, choose from our creche room (with optional live-feed of the service) or in-service creche zone. First Sundays are All-Age/ All-In. Expect the unexpected!
Why: We celebrate being part of a diverse and growing community of people of all ages exploring faith together.