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Get married at Chester Road Baptist

If you are planning a wedding, we’d love to enable your Big Day! 


Why get married at Chester Road Baptist Church?

  • We are an active and friendly church serving communities in Sutton Coldfield, Erdington, and beyond, and comprise a diverse mix of people from all walks of life.
  • Our wedding services are typically engaging, inclusive and joyful.
  • Our church has a traditional look, with modern comfort and AV.  It's flexible layouts mean it can equally work for smaller, more intimate, weddings with 20-30 guests or bigger weddings with up to 180+ comfortably (200 max). There's scope to stamp your own identity on to your wedding.
  • Practically, there is car parking on site (32 spaces, free) and at nearby Chester Road Railway Station car park (300 metres, 180 spaces, charges apply).
  • A frequent comment made to us at key life moments is, "If I went to church, Chester Road Baptist would be the kind of church I'd go to." Come on Sunday and see for yourself.

Wedding 2018-08-05 750 x 1000What can Chester Road Baptist Church provide?

  • Tailored wedding service - whilst some elements are prescribed for a legally-recognised wedding, there is still some scope to give personality to your day.
  • Wedding rehearsal - one or two days before for key participants. Helps to calm any nerves!
  • Registrar – someone authorised by Birmingham City Council to issue your Wedding Certificate.
  • Marriage preparation – based on the nationally acclaimed ‘Marriage Course’.
  • Reception venueAsk! We have a range of rooms/ halls that can also be hired for your reception. Come and see for yourself (NB in solidarity with those who struggle with alcohol addiction, we are an alcohol-free building.)

Preparing for marriage, not just a wedding service

Organising a wedding service is exciting and at times daunting. Your ‘big day’ will mark the end of a lot of planning, but is just the beginning of your married life together. Marriage is for ‘as long as you both shall live’. The Marriage Course is a good way to prepare for your marriage.

How much does it cost?

To get married at Chester Road Baptist Church costs £429 (2025-26). This includes the wedding service, church venue, Registrar, and wedding rehearsal.

To secure the date, we’ll require a £100 Booking Deposit (non-refundable), with the final balance paid 28 days before your ‘big day’. In addition, added to your final balance will be a £100 Security Deposit. This will be fully refunded to you if the service begins within 30 minutes of the agreed start time (if it begins 30-60 minutes late, you will receive 50%; if it begins 60+ minutes late, you’ll receive 0% and we reserve the right to cancel at this point without our liability.) We recognise you have a choice of where to get married.

What do you need to do?

  1. Come to a Sunday service and see for yourself Chester Road Baptist Church’s facilities and approach.
  2. Make an appointment to discuss your requirements with a church minister.
  3. Book your date with a non-refundable 25% deposit (NB balance due no less than 28 days before your wedding day).
  4. Register your intent to marry with Birmingham Register Office (or the Local Authority equivalent where each of you lives) no more than 12 months and no less than 29 days prior to the wedding date (longer if one or both are non-UK/EEA citizens). NB  it can take 2-3 weeks to get an appointment. You must present both of your birth certificates or other acceptable proof of identity (and any Decree Nisi if one or both parties have been married previously) and pay the Local Authority’s fee. (Birmingham City Council currently charge £52 per person*.) The Register Office will display your intent to marry for 28 days. Assuming no-one objects, they will then issue two Authorisation Certificates, one for each of you. These are our legal authorisation to marry you. We would not be permitted to marry you without both of these. For more details about registering your intent to Birmingham Register Office, click HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do we have to be members or regular church attenders to get married at Chester Road Baptist Church?
No! That said, your special day will go even better if you have been to a few of our regular Sunday services. Come and see for yourself.

2. I and/ or my partner have been previously married. Can I get married at Chester Road Baptist Church? 
Yes! If you are legally entitled to marry, then we will marry you.

3. Can we have our reception at Chester Road Baptist Church?
Ask! We have a range of rooms/ halls that can also be hired for your wedding reception. Come and see for yourself (NB we are alcohol-free.)

Download our Getting Married brochure.

Already getting married at Chester Road Baptist Church?
Here's our essential guide to Organising Your Wedding.