
Some churches call it Eucharist. Others call it Mass or the Lord's Supper.
It's an opportunity to reflect on the life, death and gift of Jesus, just as the first disciples were invited to do at Jesus’ last meal before He was crucified.
We have an ‘open table’: communion is open to all people, for those of different church traditions and none, those with much faith or little. Communion is not about how 'worthy' we are, it's all about Christ and how worthy He is. Feel free to receive, or not, as you feel most appropriate for you.
Communion is the ultimate symbol of inclusion. To be inclusive, our bread is
gluten-free and our wine is
alcohol-free. To be Covid-19-safe, it is served in individual cups with pre-cut cubes of bread.
We are very comfortable with children participating in Communion. That said, whether or not children receive Communion, we leave for their parent(s)/ carer to decide.
We generally have Communion: